Tuesday, May 28, 2013

You Can Lead a Horse to Water....

This past week we had the opportunity to listen to guest speaker, Dave Leding, discus his experiences in business  and organizational cultures. His conversation was focused on group effort contribution and the team leadership methods. In his presentation he addressed many of the tools and topics which he has personally employed to both create and grow successful business models. These models which are centered on the fundamentals of strong organizational culture and aspects of effective communication.   "Common sense, common courtesy," "Be civil, honest, and open," "Tell it, write it, tell it again, do it," these are just a few of the many instructions, on how he operates, directly quoted from his lecture

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Roles of Relationships in the Workplace.

As mentioned briefly in last weeks post,  relationships play a central role in our experiences. Relationships play a key role in our happiness and success both personally and professionally. This doesn’t mean you need to be completely extroverted in every situation. While being friendly and outgoing obviously makes you a more approachable individual, there is no exact scientific correlation between success and relationships.   Being a social butterfly is not always a guaranteed antecedent of success, and similarly being shy does not doom you to failure.  It is; however, important to make an effort to get to know the people with whom you work and learn about what skills and abilities they bring to the table. There is a strong need to build relationships regardless of your personality. In Amanda Haddaway's article titled How to Build Positive Workplace Experience, she presents these ideas and discusses the importance of attitude, work ethic, first impressions and building strong relationships from the start.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Encounter.

I am a quite person by nature. As a child I was painfully shy, and I struggled to find confidence in social situations. I was often 'that kid' who sat on the outskirts of social circles, feeling empty and alone, as most of the other kids playfully mingled and became acquainted. The thought of introducing myself to someone new, or God-forbid a group of strangers, inflicted a fear that was practically paralyzing. Sure I had friends and very good friends at that, but these were kids that I had grown up with...